Friday, April 6, 2007

The Beach Nextdoor

As soon as we put our bags away, we decided to explore the beautiful beach right outside the gates of The Kailash. Below are some photos Philippa, photographer extraordinaire, took. In fact, she's a fellow blogger too, and you can read about her three months in India on her wonderful blog:

You can't see them, but the beach was filled with translucent crabs scuttling about.

As we walked farther down, we met a large family from the nearby fishing village who were enjoying an evening swim. They spoke Tamil, Hindi, French and English! We all had fun posing for photos together. That's one of the odd quirks about India. People love to get themselves photographed, regardless of whether they get a copy of the photo or not. It seems all the magic and fun lies simply in taking the picture.

1 comment:

JP said...

Hey Piya! Miss having you around to run with. Looks like you're having a pretty good time, though. The marathon's in two weeks-not freaking out yet, just super paranoid about getting sick or injured. Ok, I'm freaking out a little bit, but I'm trying to hold it together for my mentees. Wishing you well...Jim