"Have had an interesting couple of days. Been going out more and meeting a range of people doing all sorts of interesting things. Been on a couple of job interviews, including one at an upcoming radio channel! Have joined a writing group... so things are good, but it's hard being back here some days (am really really working on going with the flow...some days I'm better at it than others). Yesterday was rough. I saw the house (my granddad’s old house) and it's been torn down and is now the Embassy for the Ivory Coast... this ugly brown building where our home used to be. It actually makes my stomach hurt thinking about it.
The good stuff is: there are 26,000 weddings in the city today and literally the streets are filled with lights and dancing.
Infact, there's one going on outside my window right now and they're singing songs all night long! Also, I saw a hotdog vendor in Old Delhi, with a little cart that said "Hotdogs for Sale"...the cutest sight, made me miss New York. I'm going for my first writing group tomorrow. My grandmom fills my heart with love till it hurts... I'm sending you a photo of her with her doctor... And another photo that I think will make you smile: of the "STD Booths" all over Delhi. These are public phone booths where people can make long distance calls, no one here gives the funny name a second thought...
You asked me for a word to sum up Delhi and I think that word is "Life" with a capital L. You're never on auto-pilot here. You're always--through the good and the bad--on your toes, on the edge of your seat, Living."
Sounds like you're always "in the moment." Not a bad way to be. My best to you and your Nani.
aw Jim thanks... you're doing some pretty intense living on that end too! how's the new job treating you?
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