Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh Boy

It just struck me that the average age of the people I hang out with here in Delhi is 80. Which is great for the life-wisdom and story-hearing part of things, but doesn't bode so well for my romantic life. I mentioned this to my grandmom who promptly replied, "The problem is you don't smile enough." To which I replied that my mom thinks I smile too much. To which Nani said, "Leave your mother out of this. She's hopeless." To which I said, "Anyways what's smiling got to do with anything?" To which Nani said, "The next time you see a nice boy smile sweetly and with sweetness in your voice say, 'I like your buttons.'" To which I said, "...his buttons??" To which Nani said, "Piya, these are truths from the old days... no one's going to tell you these things anymore... do you trust me? Have I ever told you anything wrong? Just do what I'm telling you and see what happens." Hmmm...now if I could just find a nice boy wearing a shirt with some nice buttons.


Unknown said...

What would be better would be if you said that to someone who was entirely button-free. If he's the right sort, he'll be (to use one of your favorite words) intrigued...

Piya said...

MG--that would certainly give him something to think about wouldn't it?? I like it, I like the way you're thinking, my friend.

JP said...

I think you smile a lot. Or perhaps you were just humoring me.

finalspirit said...

You sure you won't come off as an 'aggressive american' girl, if you do that to a nice Indian boy? :-) Anyway, you're more likely to find people with no shirt, way fashions are.

Good luck on the roller coaster you just got on.

Bidi-K said...

I hopped here via Dweep's blog, sat for a long time and read through everything and identified with it so much. I lived right next to vasant vihar, in JNU, and I keep thinking I will go back someday but now that my parents have retired, and friends have dispersed to various corners of the world, I am just afraid that nothing will seem the same, it won't be the same Delhi anymore. Am real glad you did take the step, and its just so nice reading about your day to day life in the city amongst its people.

Alex said...


Buttons it is.