Saturday, January 27, 2007

Good Morning

1/24/07, 10:47 am

"Feeling much better this morning. I saw my apartment yesterday and it has the feel of one of those sitcoms where everyone in the building knows everyone else. Met two ladies-- Raj and Nina. Nina wears jeans, has short short hair, chain-smokes and has a dry sense of humor and sensibility. I like her. The apt is ok, lots of windows. India currently feels so foreign to me. Haven't really been here for five years, or ever really lived here, and I feel out of my depth and overwhelmed...especially yesterday. A scary proposition to think how I'm going to make this feel like home. It feels like I'm doing everything for the first time. Good. This will keep my spirit sharp. My gut says that India's going to be tough but in the end, for the first time in my life, I will feel entirely full and rich with experience and life. I have no idea how any of this is going to happen, or what to expect at all... what twists and turns...but I have full faith it will and full faith that this is the right decision even though right now it is the scariest, uneasiest thing I've ever done. I just have to remind myself to keep breathing and let life unfold as it will...those tiny clicks and clacks turning and setting into motion a chain reaction of events I couldn't even imagine in their intricacy and beauty and surprise and depth."

1 comment:

callejandro said...

Piya--first of all, I love this blog. I thought of you last weekend when I ran past your old building in chinatown. and I remembered how in a week, you knew the story of everyone in the joint. I have a feeling you will have the same magic in your new place.
And I want to come visit.
we miss you at spp!