Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Gentleman Downstairs

My grandmom and I are moving into our apartment tomorrow. We just got back from there, had to meet the landlady and sign some papers. The place is a mess, but we decided we're going to tackle that tomorrow and not tonight... Tonight we're back at my parents' farm house. Nani is watching some Hindi soap opera and I'm sitting by the heater typing this blog. I probably wouldn't have internet for a few days... still in the process of proving "proof of residence" to the internet guys, but wanted to post an email I just wrote to a friend:

"Guess what?? Just met the landlady for our apartment and she lives with her elderly widowed dad-in-law. He is so so so cute, I just don't know what to do with myself. They live directly below us (wonder if he and my grandmom will become great friends?) and when I was leaving I asked him: 'Should I call you by your first name or by your last name?' and he said, 'Call me Dadoo'...which means grandfather in Hindi."

I think I'm in love.

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